Your task:
Your customer has asked you to send shipping notifications (ASN) via SupplyOn SCM. Do you create regularly shipping notifications?
Our solution:
Using the upload function, you can load several shipping notifications into SupplyOn in one-step and send them to your customer.
What does this transmission path offer?
- Upload multiple ASN with one XML or CSV file.
- Easy implementation using XML or CSV.
- A stable process for sending a large number of ASNs without an EDI (electronic data interchange) connection.
What are the technical and content requirements?
- All you need is a SupplyOn user with the user role " WebEDISellerAdmin" for SCM. Your user administrator in your company can create a user and assign this role.
- You need a valid XML or CSV file.
What are the next steps?
- Open the SupplyOn user interface and the SupplyOn service WebED / VMI
- For xml
- Select the entry ASN Overview (all) with the Shipping Process ASN (New)
- Select a ‘Sent’ ASN
- Download ‘Selected ASN Messages’
- For xsd
- Select the entry ASN Overview (all) with the Shipping Process ASN (New)
- Select a ASN
- Download ‘Template XML File’
- For csv
- Download the MS Excel Sheet we have created for you.
- Give the XML or CSV file to your IT.
- Your IT creates the XML or CSV export from your internal system based on the format description, Upload Delivery Notes guide and your sample files.
- You test uploading XML or CSV files with just a few ASNs and check the ASN data in the user interface.
- You can transfer verified shipping notification data to your customers.
Note: we advise you to create a sample file for each customer / country / ASN profile. Thus, you receive an example file with your shipping data for each customer / country request / ASN profile.
Link to xml-Upload Guide
Link to csv-Upload Guide
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