If you combine different delivery notes into one shipping notification, the section ‘Material Position’ must be repeated as often as necessary.
![ASN material position 01](/system/files/content-public/screenshot/6_positions_xml.png)
Each material position needs the same structure.
The following information is part of the due delivery and needed for a successful xml-file upload.
- Material number – see line 87
- Delivery Date – see line 96
- Required/Delivery Quantity – see line 98
- Order number – see line 101
- Order position – see line 102
![ASN material position 02](/system/files/content-public/screenshot/1position-details_xml.png)
Here you can see the line item details of this order in SupplyOn SCM.
![ASN material position 03](/system/files/content-public/screenshot/materialpositions_scm.png)