The error message states, that the customer org code, customer plant and unloading point are missing or incorrect in this example.
![ASN Transmission 03](/system/files/content-public/screenshot/transmission_03.png)
Find the correct Header data in SupplyOn SCM and enter them in the xml file. For this:
- Open the xml file
- check the entry Order Number within the section Material Position
- Copy the order number
- Open SupplyOn SCM
- Click the process Orders
![ASN Error handling 02](/system/files/content-public/screenshot/error_handling_03_0.png)
- enter the order number in the quick search field
- open the order
![ASN Error handling 04](/system/files/content-public/screenshot/error_handling_04_0.png)
- open the tab Parties
Here you find all relevant details needed for a successful upload.
![ASN Transmission 05](/system/files/content-public/screenshot/transmission_05.png)