Here you can check whether you meet the requirements.
All you need is a SupplyOn user with the user role "SellerP2P-Create" for SCM and "IndSellerP2P-Create" for AirSupply. The SupplyOn user administrator in your company can help you create a user and assign this role.
You must create the invoice data in the Excel format expected by SupplyOn from your system.
SupplyOn eInvoicing checks the Excel data for routing information (customer and plant code, supplier number), according to country requirements, customer requirements and preceding documents (e.g. order or shipping notification). The customer can also allow invoices for suppliers without reference to a preceding document.
What benefits does this transfer path offer?
You can create multiple invoices at once (up to 200) by uploading an invoice file in the Excel format to SupplyOn.
A large number of invoices can be sent quickly and stable without a technical backend connection.
Are there any additional costs or fees to use this transfer path?
There are no additional costs or fees.