In this article, you will find out how to set up customized alerts and e-mail notifications for the Supply Chain Collaboration processes.
Login to SupplyOn with your user ID and password and select "Supply Chain Collaboration " under "SupplyOn Services".
Then click on the arrow next to "Alerts".

Seelct the desired tab, for which you would like to set alerts and notifications (eg. FPA/ASN Alerts). Now you can enter your desired criteria for the search function under "Andvanced Serach". You can combine multiple criteria by clicking on "Add Line". In order to save your chosen search criteria, type in a fitting name on the right-hand side. You can save it by selecting "Create new" from the drop-down menu for "Manage View".

If you click on "E-Mail Notification" underneath the recently-created view, you can set up notifications for your customized search. After choosing "Active" and clicking on "Save", the e-mail function is activated according to your chosen criteria.