This article will provide an overview on the different submit options within SupplyOn's Problem Solver.
- As a supplier, click on the "Save and submit to customer" button to save and send additions or changes that you have made to your customer
- You can decide which areas you want to send by selecting the checkboxes
- As soon as information is available for a D-step the checkbox for sending is automatically activated
Important information: A D-step can only be forwarded when the previous D-steps or areas have been edited.

The following information is required to send a section to your customer:
- Basic data: At least one team member and team leader must be specified
- Steps D3 to D7: For each step at least one action, or for D4 one root cause, that is not in the "Cancelled" or "Internal" status must be recorded. All actions predefined by the customer ("Created by customer" status) must also be processed before sending the respective sections
If your customer also requests general actions that add to the 8D report, the submission is shown as an own step. The same requirements for the 8D report apply here for the sending.
Select a status:
If your customer has activated supplier status, you can set the status via the send options. A requirement here is that you have already processed the 8D report up to and including step D7.
- Completed by supplier: Set this status when the content of the 8D report is complete from your point of view, e.g. you do not want to add any other actions. You can only supplement the following data: actual implementation date of actions or validation information with D6 actions, further team members, attachments and, if applicable, the 8D report evaluation information.
- Closed by supplier: With this status you signal to your customer that all recorded actions have been implemented and the effectiveness of the D6 actions has been validated. If the report evaluation has been required by your customer, it must also be completely filled. After setting this status, the complaint cannot be changed any more.
Referenced 8D report:
If you have referenced another 8D report, the D3 to D7 checkboxes are not available when sending. The submission of the information is done via the referenced 8D report instead.
Please note:
- To send D3 you must have maintained/updated the D2 problem description. The D2 problem description is sent together with D3.
- D6 can only be forwarded if a D5 action with the same D4 root cause also exists for the root cause assigned to the D6 action.
- Sending the individual sections on time and setting the process status are important to comply with the due dates set by the customer. If, for example, your customer has specified a due date for sending the D3 section, this task is only considered completed when you have sent this section to your customer.
- Information will not be sent if you have not selected a checkbox. The previously entered information will be saved as a draft.
- As soon as a step is sent, forwarding the information can no longer be reversed. If you send the area again the areas selected up to that point will be sent again. The information within the individual areas can, however, still be modified.
Further information: