In this article, you will learn how ASN profiles for suppliers can be updated.
Your user account in SupplyOn needs to have the role "WebEDIBuyerAdmin", "WebEDIBuyerLogistics" or "SupplyChainMonitorBuyerAdmin" assigned.
Login to and got to "SupplyOn Services"-> "Supply Chain Collaboration"
Within the area "Settings and Master Data" click on "Site Settings"

Select the plant in question by ticking the box in front of it and then click on "Download connected sites parameter" in the menu on the bottom.

Open the downloaded Excel file and search for the Network Link which connects the supplier, for which the ASN profile should be updated
Insert the correct ASN profile for the Network Link in question. The required ASN profile needs to be clarfied internally
Save the Excel file and upload it by clicking on "Upload connected sites parameter"