How to filter reports?
Reports can basically be filtered in two different ways:
- Clicking on an evaluation, if activated for this report, filters the other evaluations on the same page accordingly.
- On the right side of the screen is the filter area, from which various filter options can be selected.

When a report is called up, the filter area is usually initially collapsed and must be expanded by clicking on the arrow pointing to the left with the label "Filter".
Please note that the filter area is divided into filters that are applied only to the current page of the report and filters that affect all pages of the report.

A selected filter will be grayed out.

To set a filter click the small arrow on the right side of the filter and make your choice.
To remove a filter, click the eraser icon on the right side of the filter.
There are several forms of filters in the filter area:
- The standard filter with selections to click on
- The relative filter, which allows to filter a certain period of time by selection
- The advanced filter, which allows to filter exactly on a certain point of time, or period of time.
Please note that both the relative and the advanced filter become active only after you have clicked "Apply filter".