When a user leaves the company, their roles and authorizations can be transferred to another user with only a few clicks.
User administrators have the ability to transfer roles and authorizations from an obsolete user to another, existing user.
Below you will find instructions on how to do so.
Navigate to 'Administration' and select 'Users and Contacts'.

Click on User Management (classic) on the left hand side.

Click on the tab 'User accounts'.

Click on the downwards arrow next to the user id and select "Determine successor".
Caution: Only perform this action if the user is to be deleted. If you want to create a new user with the same rights without deleting the old one, select "Create copy".

Search for the user who is to receive the roles and authorizations as successor.
Note: you can only select a user that already exists!

Select the user and click on "Next".

Now, a message will appear informing you that the old user and his roles will be deleted. Confirm by clicking "Yes".